
Dr. S.Sundari

Associate Professor (CAS)

Ph.D.(Structural Engineering), M.E. Structural Engineering
Associate Professor (CAS)

Area of Specilisation : Structural Engineering


  • Teaching : 20 years


  • National : 2
  • International : 10

Paper Presented in Conference

  • National : 4


  • National Organized : 1
  • Attended : 60

Other Portfolio

  1. She was a member in the GATE coaching committee organized the Government College of Engineering, Salem to the GATE aspirants all over Tamil Nadu inA the year 2020.
  2. She is the Officer Incharge of Examinations (Autonomous) in the Government College of Engineering, Salem from the year 2019 to till date.
  3. She is the Hostel Superintend (Purchase) in the Government College of Engineering, Salem from the year 2019 to till date.
  4. She is a member in the NBA Civil Departmental committee from the year 2019 to till date.
  5. She is the Faculty advisor for the M.E. Full-Time Structural Engineering I year & II year students in the Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem from the year 2017 to till date.
  6. She is the Faculty Incharge for the Society of Civil Engineers in the Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem from the year 2017 to till date.
  7. She is the Faculty Incharge of the Concrete Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem from the year 2017 to till date.

Program Organised / Attended

JUNE 2017-MAY 2021

1.Impact of Climatic Change on Natural Environment and Water Resources27.11.17 to 09.12.17 AICTEAdhyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur


Sustainable Infrastructure Design using high strength metallic alloys

04.01.2018 to 09.01.2018


Government College of Engineering, Salem


Recent Trends in Materials and Processing Techniques

19.08.2019 to 31.08.2019


Department of Metallurgical Engineering; GCE-SALEM


Analysis and limit state design of structural steel works as per IS 1893-2016 and IS 800-2007

13.11.2019 to 26.11.2019


Department of Civil Engineering-GCE-SALEM


Train the Trainers on Examination Reforms

04.03.2020 to 06.03.2020


KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka


Recent Trends in Structural Engineering



Department of Civil Engineering ,




AICTE Sponsored online STTP on Low Carbon Energy Building Phase I

27TH July to August 2’2020


Department of Civil Engineering Mahendra Engineering College


Latest Innovations and Technological Advancements in Concrete Technology

2rd to 7th November 2020


Department of Civil Engineering, SECT, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil


TEQIP –III sponsored one day webinar on Finite element Application of  Analysis and & Design of bridges

23 Dec 2020


Department of Civil Engineering

Government college of Engineering, Salem-11.


A Beeline of Civil Engineering

April 24- May 01, 2021


Department of Civil Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode.

Interaction with Outside World

Academic Year: 2017-2018

S.NoName of the facultyAttended CollegesActivity
1Dr.S.Sundari1. Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal.Acted as Board of Governance Member nominated by State Government for Development of College

Academic Year: 2019-2020

S.NoName of the facultyAttended CollegesActivity
1Dr.S.Sundari1. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB)Acted as an Expert member in the Interview Panel constituted by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB), Salem PIU Circle

Journals Published

  1. Dr.S.Sundari(2021) “Experimental study on Luminescent Concrete” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 08, Issue: 06, Pages 420-425.
  2. Dr.S.Sundari(2021) “Experimental and Numerical Study on Behavior of Externally Bonded RC Beams Using GFRP Sheets”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume: 08 Issue: 04, Pages 53-59.
  3. Dr.S.Sundari(2021) “Numerical Study on Behavior of Externally Bonded RC Rectangular-Beam Using FRP Composites”, IJSART,Volume 7,Issue 3, Pages 101-106.
  4. Dr.S.Sundari(2021) “Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of Cement By Using Granite Powder and Addition of Coir Fiber as Admixture”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 12,Pages 16-21.
  5. Dr.S.Sundari (2021) “Review on Light Weight Concrete”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, Volume 3, issue 9, Page No-798-803.
  6. Dr.S.Sundari (2021) “A Review on light weight Self Compacting concrete”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, Volume 2, issue 9, Page No-219-222.
  7. Dr.S.Sundari(2020) “Experimental Investigation on Performance of Kenaf fiber to Enhance the Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Concrete”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering Technology,Vol. 9, Issue 2, Pages 85-89.
  8. Dr.S.Sundari(2019) “Prediction model for optimized self-compacting concrete with fly ash using response surface method based on fuzzy classification”, Neural Computing and Applications Vol.31, Issue 5, Pages 1365-1373.
  9. Dr.S.Sundari(2017) “Experimental Investigation on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete with M-Sand Fly Ash”, International Journal for Research & Development in Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Pages 709-711.
  10. Dr.S.Sundari(2016) “Experimental Analysis of Filler Slab Using Self-Compacting Concrete”, Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Pages 15-24.
  11. Dr.S.Sundari(2016) “Study on Filler Slab using Self Compacting Concrete with Terracotta Pots as Filler”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Pages 961-966.
  12. Dr.S.Sundari(2016) “Experimental Study on Self Compacting Concretewith Varying Proportion of Aggregate”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, Issue 8, Pages 370-380.